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Education News

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Education News

Our Education Connections

ADOA is partnered with educational facilities in Alberta to develop continuing education programs that meet the requirements of people working in today’s field of Municipal Planning and Development.

The ADOA and the University of Alberta have established a training program called Applied Land Use Planning (ALUP) which provides the necessary framework for any individual to pursue continued learning & education in the Planning & Development industry. The ALUP program will issue a certificate after successful completion of the required & elective courses as set out in the program requirements.

University of Alberta Bursary Information

The ADOA would like to encourage the members that are looking to continue their education and require a bursary to do so, that they consider first applying for the U of A bursary. The ADOA has been informed by U of A administration that there are minimal or no applications received for a U of A bursary from ADOA membership.

Please check U of A Website for up to date information.